​​​Approve Transmittals


P-Card approvals must be done by 5:00 PM MST of the business day for transactions to process in STARS that night. When P-Card transaction are processed in STARS, the bank’s posting date of P-Card transaction will determine the STARS Effective Date. Transmittals approved after 5:00 PM MST will upload to STARS at the end of the next business day.

Approvers can mo​​dify the fiscal codes, split transmittals between fund sources, and approve the transmittals. The agency’s P-Card administrator may restrict approvers from approving their own transactions and restrict approvers to specific PCAs or Indexes​.

If you question any charges, contact your P-Card administrator or the U.S. Bank's Customer Call Center.

Select a Transmittal

After the verifier submits and prints a transmittal, the transmittal is available to the approver.

1. Sign in to the SCO website, then Statewide Accounting System.

2. Select P-Card.

3. Select Approver or Approver All.

4. Either select a transmittal from the Select Transmittal menu, or manually enter the transmittal number in Enter Transmittal and then press ENTER.

  • You can set the Select Transmittal menu to display transmittals in order of the transmittal number or by the verifier’s last name alphabetically. Select TM# or Name, and then click the Select Transmittal menu.

Figure 1: Select a transmittal sorted by name

Select Transmittal drop down menu with Sort radio buttons highlighted 

Review or Enter Fiscal Coding

1. Once a transmittal is selected, the transmittal grid will be displayed. Column headers describe the fiscal code fields, and you can use the scroll bar below the grid to view all of the fields.

  • Review the fiscal coding as necessary. 
  • Click View in the Attachments area if there are attachments on the transmittal. You can add additional attachments, if needed.

Figure 2- Approver transaction grid

P-Card transaction row with various fiscal coding 

Some fiscal coding can be changed if needed. To change fiscal coding:

2. Enter a fiscal code in a field marked with an asterisk, then press TAB or click into another fiscal code field and any other related fiscal codes, such as the Budget Unit and Fund, will be entered automatically as long as the PCA or Index have been set up in STARS to do this.

  • For example, enter the PCA or Index and press TAB or click in another fiscal code field, any other related fiscal codes, such as the Budget Unit and Fund, will be entered automatically as long as the PCA or Index have been set up in STARS to do this.
  • If a code is invalid, an error message will be displayed and it will be highlighted so you can correct it or click Undo Changes.

3. For any fiscal code field marked with an asterisk in the column header, e.g., PCA*, etc., you can “look up” or search for the fiscal code, select it, and the fiscal code will be automatically entered on the grid. See the Search for a Fiscal Code section below.

4. You do not need to enter a STARS vendor number, unless your agency requires it. P-Card will send a default vendor number of PCARD000 PC to STARS.

6. If paying jby an encumbrance, use the reference document of the encumbrance in the Encumb field. The transaction will post into STARS with a TC 235.

7. Do not use special characters or symbols, such as &, ', “, <, and \., in the Description field.

9. If the CI (capitalization indicator) field has an F, P-Card will create a record in the FAS Hold file for that transaction. If you do not want a record to be created in the FAS Hold File, delete the F in this field. However if you want to add the transaction (an purchased asset) to FAS, leave the F in this field or enter an F if the field is blank.

10. To distribute or split transactions into multiple rows with different fiscal coding, click the Split icon. See the Splitting Transactions document for details. (The printed transmittal will if indicate if transactions have been split.)

Figure 3 - Split icon

transaction row with split icon highlighted and parent and split transaction rows shown 

Approve Transactions

1. Check the approval check box next to a transaction. The approval check boxes will be labeled with whatever names your P-Card administrator has assigned them. You can check the “select all” check box at the top of the columns to automatically select all transactions.

Figure 4 - Approval check boxes

Approval check boxes 

2. Click Save Changes This saves all changes, but does not assign a transmittal number or print a transmittal. You can update your fiscal coding, if needed, and click Save Changes again.

  • Click Undo Changes if you need to cancel any unsaved changes made in the data entry fields and the approval checkboxes.

3. Click Reprint Transmittal. The transmittal will be generated and displayed in PDF format. The transmittal will be available to other approvers in P-Card. Once the transmittal has been reprinted, you cannot make changes to the transmittal.

4. To print, save, or e-mail the transmittal PDF, use your PDF application. Check your PDF application for instructions and support, as this is not a function of the P-Card application.

View the Approver Audit Trail

If transactions have been approved, the "history" of approver names and dates of the approval​s will be displayed.

1. Click the plus sign under the Appr column next to a transaction.

Figure 5 - Approval history

transaction rows and approval history 

2. If a transaction has not been approved, the plus sign will be greyed out (not active) or a red stop symbol will be displayed.

Figure 6 - No audit trail

red stop symbol next to transaction row 

Unable to Approve a Transmittal or Transaction

Your P-Card administrator may restrict approval permissions by assigning a specific Approval Level to approvers, or by assigning specific Approval Indexes, PCAs, or Locations to approvers, which restricts their ability to approve only transmittals that are coded with those PCAs, Indexes, or Locations.Also, your P-Card administrator may restrict approvers from approving their own transactions.

Attach Scanned Receipts or Documents

1. Select a transmittal from the Select Transmittal menu or enter a transmittal number in the Enter Transmittal field, and then press ENTER. The Attachments section will be displayed below the transactions.

2. Click Browse to locate your scanned document file and click Create Attachment(s) to attach it to the transmittal. The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 8MB.

3. Click Reprint Transmittal.

End of Month Approval Process

Transmittals are typically approved by the end of each month in order to reconcile the bank statement and pay the bank on time. If approvers are not able to approve transmittals by the end of the month, the P-Card Administrator can run the Posted Pending process at the end of the month, which will post all transactions in STARS in the correct month even, if they have not been approved. When the transmittals do finally get approved, P-Card will automatically make adjustment transactions for those transactions that were posted in STARS.