Approval Audit Report​

​The approver audit report provides p-card administrators, approvers, and auditors the approval history of transactions for a given date range.

1. Click Reports on the P-Card Admin menu.

2. Enter or select one of the following:

  • Credit Card & Type – enter the last ten digits of the card number in the first field and then either BOAV (for VISA) or WFMC (for MasterCard)
  • Card Holder Name
  • Approver Name

4. Select a date range and click the desired file format.

Figure 1 - Selection example

Approval Audit report criteria 

Figure 2 - Report example

Report PDF example 

Column headers will include the approval level (Lev1, Lev2, etc.), the approver’s name (Lev1 User, etc), and the approval date (Lev1 Date, etc.). This will be printed on the .csv and .txt report formats as well.

  • If Credit Card # or Card Holder Name is selected, a line is printed for each approval, with each approver’s name checked who has approved the transaction and the date they approved the transactions.
  • If Approver Name is selected, all approvals by that person are printed, with any other approver’s name checked who has approved the transaction.
  • If a transaction has been split, the Split Id column will display a number. If a transaction has not been split, the Split Id column will be blank.