​​Reconcile P-Card with the Bank Statement and Pay the Bank​


P-Card reports help reconcile your agency’s transactions with the statement from the bank. Regardless of the outcome of the reconciliation process, you must pay the amount due on the bank statement. Contact U.S. Bank Customer Service if you dispute any transactions or charges.


  • P-Card transactions are sent from the bank to SCO and uploaded into P-Card. Once these transactions are verified and the transmittals created and approved, the transactions are batched and uploaded to STARS automatically at the end of each business day.
  • When the transactions are posted to STARS, the expenditure is recorded in GL 4200 Expenditures, with an offset entry in GL 2105 P-Card Liability.
  • You then pay the bank in STARS or Payment Services using a 28Z transaction code.

Review the Reconciliation Report in P-Card

The Reconciliation Report is a summary of totals, not necessarily the status of individual transactions. During your reconciliation process, and at the time you generate a report, Verifiers and Approvers may be updating and approving transactions, and/or other users may be updating STARS P-Card transactions that were in error. Therefore, try to find out if your users have completed their work at the time you generate this report.

1. From P-Card main menu, select Admin, and then click Reports.

Figure 1 - Reports

Reports button highlighted

2. Click Reconciliation Report.

3. Enter a date range that match the dates on the bank statement in the Date From and Date To fields or use the calendar icons.

4. Click one of the format options to view the report: PDF, TXT, or CSV.

Figure 2 - Reconciliation report example

A reconciliation report with the VISA transactions amount and the Totals row highlighted

5. At the top of this report, view the Total of Visa Transactions. This is the total of transactions in P-Card. This amount should match your bank statement.

  • If there are any missing transactions to P-Card, use the Outstanding CC menu in the P-Card Admin screen to find and add them to P-Card so they can be verified and approved.
  • You can also use the Outstanding CC menu to add new or replaced cards and any of their transactions.

6. Examine the Total of each column, and especially note:

  • The total of the 28Z Coding column is equal to the total of the Posted in STARS column plus the total of the Not sent to STARS column. So that is: 28Z Coding = Posted in STARS + Not sent to STARS.
  • Use the fiscal coding in the Fund and Grant columns to enter the payment in STARS or Payment Services.

Reconcile the Report to the Bank Statement

1. An amount other than zero in the Total of the Change/Error column indicates there has been changes in the fiscal coding of the transactions, or that there are batch errors in STARS.

2. If there are amounts in the Not sent to STARS column:

  • The best way to resolve these is to execute Posted Pending in order to post these transactions in STARS, even though they are pending approval in P-Card.
  • When Approvers make the final approval of Posted Pending transactions, P-Card will make adjustment transactions automatically. If for some reason that does not happen, you will need to enter adjustment transactions manually in STARS.

3. Use the Outstanding CC menu in the P-Card Admin screen to find and add any missing transactions to P-Card, or to find new or replaced cards and add them. Make sure any transactions from this process are then verified and approved.

4. Transactions may not appear in P-Card if a card is inactive in the P-Card. To correct this, check the card as Active on the card holder’s profile screen. Then Verifiers and Approvers can complete their steps.

5. Look for an Outstanding CC radio button in the P-Card main menu. This allows you to add new cards and their associated transactions to P-Card. Then Verifiers and Approvers can complete those transactions.

6. Review the Transactions Not Verified Report in P-Card for any transactions that have been verified, but for which a transmittal has not been created. If so, the verifier will need to submit transmittals and an approver must approve them.

Pay the Bank

1. You must pay the bank in full by the payment due date and for the amount due shown on their statement. Contact U.S. Bank’s Customer Call Center if you dispute any charges on your cards

2. The payment to U.S. Bank is due within 25 calendar days after the last business day of each month.

3. Pay the bank either in STARS or Payment Services using a 28Z transaction code

  • Use the Fund and Grant coding in the Fund and Grant columns of the Reconciliation Report.
  • Use the U.S. Bank vendor number.

4. When entering a 28Z payment in STARS or Payment Services:

  • Leave the Invoice Number field in STARS blank. You must put in an Invoice Number in Payment Services, but the Invoice Number will not be included when the transactions are​ uploaded to STARS. The Invoice Number will be saved on the Payment Services document.
  • Then, in either STARS or Payment Services, enter your agency’s unique 16-digit U.S. Bank account number in the​ Invoice Description (INV-DESC) field Since there are 30 spaces available in the Invoice Description field, the remaining 14 characters can be used for extra description.

P-Card Reports, IBIS Reports, Trial Balance Report

P-Card reports, IBIS reports, and Online STARS reports will help you reconcile P-Card transactions to the bank statement. Use the date range of your statement when creating P-Card or IBIS reports.

P-Card Reports

In the Reports section of the Admin sreen you will find:

  • Reconciliation Report
  • Transactions Not Verified Report
  • All Transactions Report

IBIS Statewide Reports

In the State of Idaho Public Folders > Accounting > P-Card, two IBIS reports will provide individual transaction details, but not the ending GL 2105 P-Card Liability balances.

  • P-Card Liability by Calendar (STARS Effective) Date Report
  • P-Card Liability by Posting (Document) Date Report)

Figure 3 - IBIS reports

P-Card reports in the IBIS Statewide Reports folder 

There are also P-Card objects in Query Studio that you can use to build your own reports:


P-Card objects in Query Studio 

Online Reporting

Trial Balance report DAFR8160 for GL 2105 P-Card Liability balances is available.